On 07/16/2016 01:02 PM, Ian Bruntlett wrote:
Hi Aere & Jorn,

On 16 July 2016 at 18:55, Aere Greenway <a...@dvorak-keyboards.com <mailto:a...@dvorak-keyboards.com>> wrote:

    There is a package in the Ubuntu repository called
    flashplugin-instcaller, which (after you install it) will install
    the flash-plugin version for Linux on your machine, which then
    works in FireFox.

    I have been using that successfully on all of my machines, and to
    my knowledge, with no problems.

Thanks for that.



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Hi, just a few quick notes.

flashplugin-instcaller is actually called flashplugin-installer (minor typo)
Also, many things use HTML5 video now. YouTube defaults to HTML5 video, for example.

It might be good to see if you *need* to use flash before installing it.


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