On 09/09/2017 08:56 AM, Mark F wrote:
On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 9:58 PM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net <mailto:ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net>> wrote:
>>> If so, then the hard drive already was close to the end of life before
you installed Lubuntu. It would have failed without installing
Lubuntu, too. <<<

That could be. It just seemed strange that it happened twice (and to others). But, I suppose randomness means that could happen.

>>> Btw. a complete Windows XP backup could only be restored, if the same
hardware is used. If you need to replace a hard disk by another one
(usually you don't get the same hard disk you bought years ago), a
restored Windows XP won't run anymore. <<<

I never experienced that. I moved Windows to other drives and it worked. I may have had to edit a bootinfo(?) file about the disks.

My problem with dual boot was that I always ended up with an unbootable system. I don't recall all the details. They were all painful episodes which I have disassociated from. It seemed to have something to do with the MBR being jacked, or the Microsoft hidden partition(s) being affected somehow.

I haven't run Windows in 2-3 years. No problems since.


As I think more about it, there was a case where I installed Linux to dual-boot on a computer for a friend, that comes to mind.

That machine (running Windows) was set up with some BIOS option, that although I had created a Linux partition, Windows was not aware of it, and would not use the GRUB loader.

On that system, I went into the BIOS setup, and turned off an option (was it safeboot?), and then I could boot the Linux system (but not the Windows system).

To boot Windows, I had to go into the BIOS setup, and turn the option back on, in which case I could only boot Windows, but not Linux.

So (on that system) it was a hassle to go through to boot the other system.

I have not seen this situation again (it was years ago), but maybe it depends on particular hardware or systems.


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