Recent install of lunbuntu 17.18

Attemting to watch msnbc `full episodes' in Chromium-browser I get
messages saying:

   To watch this video, download or enable the adobe flash player
   plug-in in your security preferences

What do we use for `flash' in lubuntu?

Harry Putnam,

I wanted to add my two cents as it were about Flash (and really online / 
streaming video as a whole) on Lubuntu and specifically in the Firefox web 
browser, as your post title said browsers plural and FF is the default browser 
in Lubuntu.

But first let me warn(?) you that Adobe is set to stop updating Flash at the end of 2020. 
And most browsers have made it difficult to run Flash willy-nilly everywhere as there are 
some serious security risks. Even after installation, Firefox has made Flash 
"click-to-activate," meaning you'll have to specifically tell FF to allow you 
to see Flash on that particular occasion, or remember that particular website for future 
visits (as you will likely do for MSNBC).

Now to Flash itself. I assume, since you're trying to watch MSNBC and are 
running 17.10 (that's what 17.18 meant, right?); you're on a 64-bit computer. 
Which means you can run Pepper Flash - which will give you the most current 
up-to-date Flash.

1. Remove any Adobe Flash you may have already installed:

Go to Menu --> System Tools --> LXTerminal (or Ctrl+Alt+T)

Type (or copy and paste):

sudo apt remove flashplugin-installer
sudo apt remove adobe-flashplugin

2. Install the Fresh Player Plugin:

Type (or copy and paste):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree

3. Install the Pepper Flash Player for Firefox:

Type (or copy and paste):

sudo apt install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash

You may, if you so choose, "always activate" Flash (not recommended - again, for security 
reasons) in Firefox by typing about:addons in the address bar, hitting [Enter], selecting Plugins 
on the left and "Always Activate" from the drop down menu for Shockwave Flash on the 

I also recommend (for an easier and more pleasurable streaming video 

Some free and non-free fonts Flash may use:

sudo apt install ttf-dejavu ttf-xfree86-nonfree

Lubuntu Restricted Extras (various non-free codecs and plugins including 
ffmpeg, fluendo-mp3, gstreamer and Microsoft fonts). This will *not* by the way 
now install the old version of Flash because you've already installed Pepper 

sudo apt install lubuntu-restricted-extras

Hint for EULA for Microsoft fonts: Hit [Tab] to select <OK>, [Enter] to "press" <OK>, left arrow to 
select <Yes> and [Enter] to "press" <Yes>.

HAL (DRM-protected Flash Video in Firefox will often require HAL; the Hardware 
Abstraction Layer).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mjblenner/ppa-hal
sudo apt update && sudo apt install hal libhal1

Finally, I recommend you enable HAL in Firefox by going to Firefox's Preferences and 
checking the "Play DRM content" check box.

Eric Bradshaw

God Bless You,

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