@et al:

So . . . new day . . . booted up the computer w/o key modifier and Grub
loaded, but provided no function to select OS, so we went into Lu 19.10 . .
. got the "system program problem" error once again . . . cancelled out of
it.  Ran update/upgrade . . . "nothing to do" . . . checked social media .
. . then after an hour of running I thought I'd try to "leave" Lu by way of
"restart" . . . and this time I held the alt/option key down . . . and, lo and
behold, the OSX bootloader window opened!!!!! which hasn't happened in some
days . . . .

OSX 10.14 showed as an option, which previously as mentioned, would not
boot at all and didn't appear to be "there" . . . so I picked it and, it
booted . . . .

When it loaded there was a System Preferences window saying "Keyboard is
not recognized" and it provided a GUI window to "press a key" for it to
"recognize the keyboard" . . . which seemed to hang . . . and do nothing.
I decided to restart with alt key and again OSX bootloader opened and I
picked another OSX option and in we went . . . same SP window opened with
the "keyboard not recognized" . . . but this time it said, "If there is
another USB device connected to the keyboard you can ignore this message" .
. . but I hit the "Z" key anyway, and again . . . it "tried to recognize
the keyboard" . . . but failed.

So, possibly it was the fact that a day or so back I got a new mouse, and
somehow having to "recognize" the mouse by way of the keyboard did
something that caused the keyboard to "work" . . . and, we are at least
back into OSX options . . . and/or Lubuntu if I just restart the computer
w/o alt key selected . . . giving credence to the old adage . . . "the new
mouse sweeps clean" . . . ???

I do believe that the "system error" window in both Ubuntu systems
pre-dates the new mouse chapter . . . but, that is the latest, thanks for
the kind attention.

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