Hey Fritz,

The best way to update grub is using the `update-grub` CLI utility.
But you have to do it from the distro you installed grub with.  If you can remember which one you installed grub with, simply run that command using `sudo` and it should automatically detect the most recent kernel and do it for you.

If you cannot figure out which one you installed it with, reinstall grub from the distro you use the most.

On 9/21/22 11:06, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
et al:

Spoke too soon . . . not out of the woods on this one yet. Seems like the edits made in the grub "EFI" menu are not maintained on reboot??  Doesn't seem to be any hints on how to "save" the edits . . . just make them and then boot them??? But, then it appears that the edits are lost and it's back to the previous version??

After I got 5.19 to boot I used the GUI mainline kernel app to remove the old 5.13 kernel, to try to get the system to default to 5.19, but on trying today it said, "5.13 not found, hit any key to continue" and back into Grub menu we went.

Arrowed down to Lubuntu, pressed "e" and changed the kernel data to 5.19 and it booted up.

Question is, why doesn't it hold the data??  I've changed both line items, the "Lubuntu" and the "advanced options" data and I can boot it, one time . . . .  I tried "ctrl o" but that didn't do anything . . . .  Do I need to take it to "command line" and then try to "ctrl o" it to save it??


On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 9:53 AM Fritz Hudnut <este.el....@gmail.com> wrote:

    Top posting, with impunity!!

    So, I got a hint over on Discourse to "check the grub EFI menu" .
    . . and once I figured out how to do that, indeed, Lubuntu was
    listing itself as "19.10" and set to be booting 5.13 . . . took
    some more time to figure out how to edit that data, to the correct
    wording for the kernel . . . and that did seem to boot Lubuntu to

    Only "problem" seems to be that when I'm booted in Lubuntu the
    Discourse site loads as a white page . . . of whiteness.  I'll
    have to reboot into a non-Lu system to get it to load . . . .

    So far now it seems like the solution has been invoked . . . .


        On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 3:45 PM Nio Wiklund
        <nio.wikl...@gmail.com> wrote:

            Hi again Fritz,

            Is the problematic system your main system or 'only' a
            test system? If a
            test system you might just reinstall it to get rid of the

            Best regards

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