You beat me to sending a follow-up on this. Dror sent me his code and said it was ok to commit. I propose him as a committer on the sandbox.

I wanted the first commit to be Dror's original code, except that I added the ASL to the source files. More comments below....

On Thursday, December 11, 2003, at 03:49 AM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
I haven't tried this code (nice, thanks), yet, but have a few comments.

- message(String) method just prints to System.out, yet there are
separate /explicit System.out calls.  Shouldn't they all use

I tried it out and it worked for me, but I did not evaluate the code much.

- Should those 2 Jars in lib be in CVS?  Is so, it looks like they got
missed.  They are mentioned in lib/README.  Maybe we are supposed to
put them there ourselves, if we want.

Well, <> is LGPL, so I did not commit it. I think it is probably ok to add to our CVS, but I'll check with the PMC before doing so. I don't really want to get in the habit of having Lucene's own JAR file in CVS. I do have plans to clean up the whole sandbox build process in the near future and will make it dependent on having jakarta-lucene module nearby too (and the ability to point it at a pre-built JAR file too, but without it being in CVS).

- It seems that this is an interactive command line client with a
required prompt from which you enter commands (didn't try this sw yet,
so maybe the prompt is not required).  This is nice, but I was
wondering if the code be modified to also act like most other UNIX
shell command, without the prompt.  That way I could pipe its output to
any number of the other useful UNIX commands that read stdin (e.g.
sort, wc, grep, etc.)

+1 - nice request.


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