I did some learning about the details regarding project websites at the ASF.

Looks like there are a number of options available.

I looked over the websites for every Apache TLP and there are some
basic consistencies...
- Sites built with Apache Forrest (Lucene, Hadoop, WS)
- Sites built with Maven (Continuum, Maven, PDFBox, Logging)
- Sites built with some unknown but consistent system (Felix/Sling)
- Custom sites (ActiveMQ, Thrift, Cassandra)

On the JIRA ticket from a little while back, Prescott was trying to
figure this same thing out and there was a reference to an "ASF
'house' CMS", but I was unable to find any further information about

Some relevant links:


My personal preference is the use whatever template that Felix/Sling are using:


I think it's clean, modern, and versatile. The Maven built sites look
ok as well, but not as pretty. I'm not a fan of Forrest.


On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Troy Howard <thowar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been impressed by Prescott Nasser's work in this area.
> I would like to nominate him for managing documentation. That includes
> leading the discussion on how to proceed with documentation.
> One thing that is unclear to me at this point are the details of the
> project website. I don't know how much control over that we have. I'm
> a big fan of systems like Redmine that incorporate wiki/issue
> tracking/source browsers/new feeds/etc all in one integrated
> interface. The Apache way of doing this seems to be to use dedicated
> systems for each task (JIRA for issue tracking, Moin Moin for wiki,
> etc) which, to me, creates a lack of cohesion and a barrier to users
> who are trying to find information or report issues.
> Anyhow, again, not too sure how much control we have of the project
> site or what resources are available on the server. Does the site have
> to be static (i.e. HTML/CSS/JS only?) Does the web server have
> anything like Python, Perl, PHP, etc. installed, so that we could make
> something more interactive? What's the ASF expectation for project
> sites? Many of them have a similar look and feel (as if created from
> the same template or CMS). Should we just work with that?
> Thanks,
> Troy
> On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Michael Herndon <mhern...@o19s.com> wrote:
>> *Last one for the year, See ya next year & Happy New Year to all.*
>> *
>> *
>> *Documentation.*
>> *
>> *
>> Who should be responsible for this?  Where should it live?  Wiki or should
>> we have a separate site that aggregates. blogs, twitter feeds, facebook,
>> tutorials, wiki, documentation, etc?
>> I propose that we have specify someone to own this to make sure that it gets
>> done (they don't have to actually document everything, but delegate the
>> responsibility around make sure that it does get done).  Otherwise it might
>> never get done.
>> --
>> Michael Herndon
>> Senior Developer (mhern...@o19s.com)
>> 804.767.0083
>> [connect online]
>> http://www.opensourceconnections.com
>> http://www.amptools.net
>> http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-herndon/4/893/23
>> http://www.facebook.com/amptools.net
>> http://www.twitter.com/amptools-net

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