On 2012-02-01, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

> As other said, while the user base is pretty big, the dev community is
> relatively small and still relying on just a few people.

Can you recommend an approach that would draw in more developers?  Is
there anything the current team should be doing or stop doing?

> Also all the accessories around a OSS projects are very difficult to
> maintain, probably due to the strict environment of the foundation,
> like CMS, CI, source control and so on.

I'm not sure I fully follow you here.  The choice of tools usually
follows what our infrastructure team can support.  It is possible to
introduce new tools to the mix if there are enough people who volunteer
to support it.

For example git support has reached a beta test phase by now with a few
projects (those who raised their proverbial hands) trying it.  Trying it
both from an infrastructure perspective but also experimenting how the
different approach a DVCS brings mixes with ASF policies and practices.
This took some time to land, partly because only one or two people were
willing to make this happen.

That being said, the infrastructure team is more likely to trust
committers of TLPs than incubator podlings - the latter might fail,
after all.  So a graduated Lucene.Net could have a bigger impact on
infrastructure options than one sitting inside the incubator.

Not sure what tools you are missing or deem inadequate, though, but that
would be for a different thread.

> Also, there must be an official way of communicating to the user base,
> which is not the ML or some sporadic news on the site or on other
> blogs.

What would you suggest?

Does this need to get solved before graduation?

> But the main point is a lack of long term strategy that is shared by
> everyone: most OSS can go along without such things, but Lucene.net is
> in a position where such strategy is needed.

I agree the strategy must get decided on and be documented at one point,
but does this need to get solved before graduation?



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