On 2012-06-14, Christopher Currens wrote:

> I've gone back and forth on whether I think we're ready for graduation or
> not.  I had always felt like we weren't because the project isn't as active
> as I'd like it to be.  However, I think I've been looking at it wrong.
>  We've got a good enough process and we *have* made progress.

Absolutely, and I think you are ready to graduate as well.

As a response to Itamar: Lucene.Net could get more exposure by becoming
a top level project.  In particular you could craft a press release
together with the ASF's PR folks to celebrate the re-birth.

The sponsoring offer is a great thing, IMHO.

> I'm up for starting this process, but I don't want it to take any time
> away from getting 3.0.3 released.

Understood.  OTOH if you'd graduate first then 3.0.3 would be an
official Apache release and didn't have to wear the "incubating" tag.
Your call.

If you want to do the 3.0.3 release first, I don't think that will be
much of delay as it seems to be around the corner anyway.


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