See inline comments.


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Granroth, Neal V. <> wrote:

> I just pulled down the 3.0.3 branch from SVN and have encountered an
> initial problem with the VisualStudio solution file Lucene.Net.Core.sln in
> the VS2010 folder.
> Did you pull down the 3.0.3 branch or trunk?  Trunk is 3.0.3, I'm not even
sure the 3.0.3 branch exists anymore, and if it does, it is very, very out
of date.

> This solution will not load in VS2010, Visual Studio complains that it was
> created with a newer version.
> Opening the solution file in notepad reveals that it was created with
> VS2012 (a not yet released product)
> They are supposed to be VS2010, if the pathing didn't give it away.  I
believe it was my fault, as I usually will change them back to VS2010
manually, but forgot to do that while I was adding .NET 3.5 support back
in.  In order to automate the change, I needed to use the RC and forgot to
change the solution files back. As an aside, VS2012 solution files are (or
at least supposed to be) backwards compatible with VS2010.  On my laptop,
which only has VS2010 SP1, they open and compile just fine.

> It would be very helpful if those maintaining the source distribution
> limit themselves to released development tools only.
> Since that's our normal policy, this isn't really an issue.

> It also make me wonder of the viability of any binary distributions; they
> certainly should not have been created with VS2012RC

Prescott used VS2010 to make the binary, so I don't think you need to worry
about this.

> - Neal G.

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