[I'm resending this from a different account, since my first attempt is
bogged down somewhere.  A second copy will probably show up tomorrow, but in
the interests of solving this problem sooner, I'm resending it.  Sorry for
the duplicaton.]

Define an Analyzer that does not lowercase the id field, e.g., something

  public class MyAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
    private Analyzer standard = new StandardAnalyzer();
    public TokenStream tokenStream(String field, final Reader reader) {
      if ("id".equals(field)) {
        return new WhitespaceTokenizer(reader);
      } else {
        return standard.tokenStream(field, reader);

Then pass this into QueryParser.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Landon Cox
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 9:52 AM
> Subject: QueryParser question - case-sensitivity
> I have a QueryParser/Query question.  These classes (not sure 
> which) is
> apparently converting my term values into lowercase even though Term's
> values are by default case-sensitive.  I've got non-word 
> text, id's, that
> are case sensitive and stored/indexed that way, but query 
> parser is not
> respecting my case sensitive search criterion.
> For example, I create a query string:
> id:"templatedata/f2container/data/Course1102043194747042"
> and pass this to the QueryParser.parse() method.  When I dump 
> the Query with
> toString() I get:
> +id:templatedata/f2container/data/course1102043194747042
> Naturally, this query fails as I'm expecting a hit on the id with the
> uppercase C.  If I create and index an id all lower case, 
> then the query
> succeeds.  Case-sensitivity is important to maintain for querying this
> element, especially using it once the hit occurs.
> How do I coerce QueryParser/Query to not 'tolower' my query 
> string? or is
> there an alternate method that's more direct which takes my 
> query string
> with no modification?
> --
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