Armbrust, Daniel C. wrote:
> I don't know what a "good" numbers implementation is, but the way that I do it now, 
>with filters on the bit set after they come back just feels like a hack.  Even if bit 
>sets are very fast, it doesn't seem right to iterate over nearly the entire set of 
>terms to filter them when I ask for results with a number 000050 < x < 050000.  It 
>seems like that shouldn't be put into the term enumeration in the first place, rather 
>than having to filter them out.

Both a DateFilter and a RangeQuery must enumerate the range of matching 
dates.  The RangeQuery uses less memory, since it does not construct a 
bit vector, but the DateFilter does not affect scoring.

Also, a Filter implementation can cache bit vectors for common queries. 
  When this is appropriate, Filters are *much* more efficient than a 
range query.  For example, if one tags documents with a "type" field, 
and many of the queries are for documents of a particular type, then a 
Filter implementation which caches a bit vector (based on the 
IndexReader) would make these queries much faster than, e.g., a 
"+type:XXX" clause in the query.  Similarly, one could cache bit vectors 
for documents created in the last week, if that is a common query type, 
instead of using a RangeQuery.

Filters thus provide useful functionality that is not otherwise 
available.  Perhaps we need some general-purpose Filter classes which 
cache bit vectors.  The "type" example above would be an easy one to 
program, with something like the following:

/** Filter for documents which contain a particular term. */
public class TermFilter extends Filter {
   private Term term;
   private WeakHashMap cache = new WeakHashMap();

   public TermFilter(Term term) {
     this.term = term;

   public BitSet bits(IndexReader reader) throws IOException {

     synchronized (cache) {                         // check cache
       BitSet cached = (BitSet)cache.get(reader);
       if (cached != null)
         return cached;

     BitSet bits = new BitSet(reader.maxDoc());
     TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(term);
     try {
       while (
     } finally {

     synchronized (cache) {                         // update cache
       cache.put(reader, bits);

     return bits;


Note that I have not even compiled this, more less tested it.  If anyone 
does, please report back.

> It doesn't seem to scale very well, though I have no tests or data to back this up.  
>Admittedly, it has worked for us thus far.
> I'm concerned, however, if we start to put in more data, (especially non integer 
>data) by doing something like multiplying by 10,000 (or whatever the decimal shift 
>needs to be, plus it gets even more hackish if I have to add to all the values to 
>make all the negative values positive) and then padding out to X digits, and start 
>chaining together multiple filters on multiple different number fields our 
>performance is going to very significantly degrade.  

Lucene shares prefixes of indexed terms.  So, for example, if lots of 
terms in a field start with a long string of zeros, then you should not 
pay a performance penalty.


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