This seems like a better question for lucene-user list.

Why not just deal with IndexSearcher?

Here's a sample code I wrote a while ago:

    private static final String   _paIndexDir =
    private static long           _paIndexLastMod = 0L;
    private static IndexSearcher  _paIndexSearcher;
    private static final Analyzer _analyzer = new PorterStemAnalyzer();


            // if the index has been modified since opened, re-open it.
            if (IndexReader.lastModified(_paIndexDir) >=
                _paIndexLastMod  = new Date().getTime();
                if (_paIndexSearcher != null)
                _paIndexLastMod  = new Date().getTime();
                _paIndexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(_paIndexDir);
        catch (IOException e)
            _log.error("Could not open/close IndexSearcher: " +
            // ...

_paIndexDir is an instance of String.


--- Manish Shukla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> What is the difference between 
>[] indexpaths)
> and 
> ( Directory dir ) 
> Seems like later locks the the directory and former
> doesn't. When would one want to use one or another. 
> We have an index which constantly changes, while we
> don't care about the documents which got added after
> the indexreader was opened we want multiple  searches
> ( multithreaded and multi process ) to search through
> the index.  I am wondering which is more efficient for
> us.
> Thanks
> Manish
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