> org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexHTML wich was provided with the
> documentation. Is there any problem using this demo class for a web
> production site? I'm an application developer and it would be hard to
> understand the hole lucene code to use it. It would be almost imposible

You can use it, but: if you need something special (snippets, coloring,
different URL mapping, handling of your local charset, etc. etc.) you must
include code from sandbox or write it from scratch AFAIK.

> for my develop phase timings to try to do this. * Regarding you comment:
> Lucene does not index web pages. I thougth lucene main goal was to index
> web pages ¿? and as an after thougth it should be able to index text
> files or some other information (for example mail databases). Regards

Lucene *can* index HTML pages, if you use programs which build Lucene 
index from HTML documents. The programs exist.

On the other hand, if you extend Lucene with your hacks, you will find out
that the model of Lucene is unknown and many parts are hard-coded. It
boosts speed, but it disallows future enhancements (I could name the
parts, I hope we do not start flamewar here).

> and thanks for your comments!!!!!!! I'm considering egothor search
> engine. I succesfully set a web application for searching my web site
> but I didn't see a mailing list or a forum with the level of

I had PhD exam, and many questions went throught ICQ, you know, it is 
faster for me than e-mails...


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