
Please don't mail both lucene-user and lucene-dev.  This is a message
suitable for lucene-user.
If people are not answering your message, try providing more
information, different information, not re-sending the same message.

I'm not a big Windows user, so I don't know how you can increase the
limit for the maximum number of open files on Windows.  It looks like
that is at least a part of the problem.
What's the current number of open files on your machine?
Don't ask how to find that out, I don't know, that would be a Windows


--- Amit Kapur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all
> I m facing problems like mentioned below while indexing, If anyone
> has any
> help to offer i would to obliged....
> **** couldn't rename to segments ****
> **** F:\Program Files\OmniDocs Server\ftstest\_3cf.fnm (Too many open
> files)****
> I am trying to index documents using Lucene generating about 30 MB of
> index
> (Optimized) which can be raised to about 100 MB or More ( but that
> would be
> on a high end server machine).
> Description of Current Case:
> #---Each Document has four fields (One Text field, and 3 other
> Keyword
> Fields).
> #---The analyzer is based on a StopFilter and a PorterStemFilter.
> #---I am using a Compaq PIII, 128 MB RAM, 650 MHz.
> #---mergeFactor is set to 25, and I am optimizing the index after
> adding
> about 20 Documents.
> #---Using Lucene Release 1.2
> Problem Faced
> After adding about 4000 Documents generating an index of 30 MB, I
> initially
> got an error saying, **** couldn't rename to segments
> ****
> after which the IndexReader or the IndexWriter to the current index
> couldnot
> be opened.
> Then I changed a couple of settings,
> #---mergeFactor=20 and Optimize was called after ever 10 documents.
> #---Using Lucene Release 1.3
> Problem Faced
> After adding about 1500 Documents generating an index of 10 MB, I
> initially
> got an error saying, **** F:\Program Files\OmniDocs
> Server\ftstest\_3cf.fnm
> (Too many open files)**** after which the IndexWriter to the current
> index
> couldnot be opened.
> Now my requirement needs to have a much much larger index
> (practically) and
> I am actually at the point where these errors are coming
> unpredictably.
> Please if anyone could guide me on this ASAP.
> Thanx in advance
> Regards
> Amit
> PS: I have already read articles in the mail archieve
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02815.html.

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