Rob Outar wrote:
Luke looks pretty slick.  Was wondering how difficult would it be to add
code to add fields, update fields, etc..  I have written something similar
to Luke but next month I need to add support to update fields, remove, add,
etc.. graphically.

Not that difficult - assuming Lucene supports it. From your list of requirements, I think most of these functions are rather difficult to implement in the logic part due to limitations in Lucene - at least not efficiently. You cannot add a field per se, only add a document which contains additional fields. Similarly, you cannot update a field, you can only delete a document, and insert a new one with different values. Also, I don't think it's feasible to delete fields in the index - this would mean re-adding _all_ documents with one field less...

Apart from that, there's no rocket science here, it's just a matter of adding some GUI and logic. Thinlet-based applications are easy to modify in the View layer, so it's up to the Controller part, if it can be coded at all...

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki

Software Architect, System Integration Specialist
CEN/ISSS EC Workshop, ECIMF project chair
EU FP6 E-Commerce Expert/Evaluator
FreeBSD developer (

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