--- Andrzej Bialecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrzej Bialecki wrote:
> > Julien Nioche wrote:
> >  
> >> [- and almost impossible : recompose the unstored fields of a
> document]
> > 
> > 
> > It's not impossible, just time-consuming - all information (except
> the 
> > parts removed by analyzer) is already there. This functionality has
> a 
> > high "cool-ness" factor, which makes it very tempting... :-)
> I had a look at the current Lucene API, and I realized that this is a
> very costly operation now. Now, if we had a TermVector support that
> was 
> mentioned several times on this list, things would be very
> different...
> Does anyone know what is the status / plans regarding this?

As far as I know it is not on the to-do list of any of the more active
Lucene developers.  In other words, it is waiting for some external
contributor with more time and with required knowledge.

Code that worked with one of the 1.2 versions was posted to the list a
looong time ago by Dmitry.


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