Great. Is there an example anywhere on how I might be able to build such a Query? QueryParser isn't really all that simple since it's built with JavaCC.

What might be ideal for me is if I can continue to use the highlevel interface to build the main query (ie use it to parse my query string and return me some kind of Query - BooleanQuery, TermQuery, etc) and then build a WildcardQuery by hand and "combine" the two together? For example, is it as simple as calling Query.combine() to combine the two? Is there a better way? Is there a documented example like this? Thanks!


This can be done, AFAIK.

This is one thing that many people seem unaware of: you don't HAVE to use
QueryParser to build queries. In your case it seems like you should be able
to construct query you want if you either by-pass QueryParser, or create
a dummy analyzer (one that does no tokenization but returns all input as
one token).

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