Doug Cutting wrote:

Erik Hatcher wrote:

Yes, you're right. Getting the scores of a second query based on the scores of the first query is probably not trivial, but probably possible with Lucene. And that combined with a QueryFilter would do the trick I suspect. Somehow the scores of the first query could be remembered and used as a boost (or other type of factor) the scores of the second query.

Why not just AND together the first and second query? That way they're both incorporated in the ranking. Filters are good when you don't want it to affect the ranking, and also when the first query is a criterion that you'll reuse for many queries (e.g., language=french), since the bit vectors can be cached (as by QueryFilter).

You probably missed the start of our discussion - we are talking about this: "q1 -> q2" which means "NOT q1 OR q2", versus "q2 -> q1" which means "q1 OR NOT q2". It causes the issue, and it also shows why you cannot use the simple "AND", because "q1 AND q2" != "NOT q1 OR q2" != "q1 OR NOT q2".


BTW: I didn't see the logic formulas for many years, so it is without any guarantee ;-)

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