On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 10:57:51AM +0100, Morus Walter wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having problems understanding query parsers handling of AND and OR
> if there's more than one operator.
> E.g.
> a OR b AND c 
> gives the same number of hits as
> b AND c
> (only scores are different)

This would make sense if all the document that have a also have both B
and C in them.

> and 
> a AND b OR c AND d
> seems to be equivalent to
> a AND b AND C AND d

That's not what I get. 
returns 479 items
returns 564 items which indicates that the OR does make a difference.
As expcted, you end up getting more items with the OR.



> which doesn't seem logical to me.
> I'd expect to have AND higher precedence than OR (as a logical AND / OR in 
> C or Java) so that a OR b AND c would be equivalent to a OR (b AND c)
> and a AND b OR c AND d equivalent to (a AND b) OR (c AND d)
> When I look at the query parsers sources, I find, that -- unless paranthesis
> are used -- all these terms are added to one boolean query, and the
> AND operator makes the term left and right of it required (unless there
> are NOT operators making them prohibited).
> So 
> a OR b AND c gives one boolean query where  b and c are required, whereas
> a is not.
> a AND b OR c AND d produces a boolean query where a, b, c and d are required,
> which is indeed the same as a AND b AND c AND d.
> Should this be considered a bug?
> greetings
>       Morus
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