Hello all,

I'm pleased to announce that Luke v. 0.4 has been released. Luke is a Lucene index browser and diagnostic tool, available under Apache License. Please see the following link for more details, binaries, sources and Java WebStart version:


Note to Java Webstart users: you should get the new version the next time you start Luke.

Note to others: just use Java WebStart, ok? ;-)

Changes in v. 0.4:
* Use Lucene 1.3-FINAL. The WebStart version has been changed, so that it uses two separate JARs - one contains Luke, the other Lucene.

* Added support for compound index format. It's also possible to change the format during optimization.

* visualization of the query parsing. When you change the Analyzer or default field, or perform a Search, you can see the QueryParser's idea of what the final query looks like. Suggested by Erik Hatcher.

* added functionality to view the explanation for a hit.

* bugfix for broken behavior: when selecting "Show All Docs" on the "Documents" view, the program would use a QueryParser, whereas it should simply construct a primitive TermQuery. This bug could result in mysterious "No Results" on the search page. Spotted by Erik Hatcher.

Thank you for your comments and contributions!

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki

Software Architect, System Integration Specialist
CEN/ISSS EC Workshop, ECIMF project chair
EU FP6 E-Commerce Expert/Evaluator
FreeBSD developer (http://www.freebsd.org)

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