1) Is there a way to set the query boost factor depending not on the presence of a 
term, but on the presence of two specific terms?  For example, I may want to boost the 
relevance of a document that contains both "iraq" and "clerics", but not boost the 
relevance of documents that contain only one or the other terms. (The idea is better 
discrimination than if I simply boosted both terms.)

2) Is it possible to apply (or simulate) a negative query boost factor?  For example, 
I may have a complex query with lots of terms but want to reduce the relevance of a 
matching document that also included the term "iowa". ( The idea is for an easier and 
more discriminating way than simply increasing the relevance of all other terms 
besides "iowa").  

3) Is there a way to handle variants of a phrase without OR'ing together the variants? 
 For example, I may want to find documents dealing with North Korea; the terms might 
be "north korea" or "north korean" or "north koreans" - is there a way to handle this 
with a single term using wildcards?



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