> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: April 11, 2004 1:03 PM
> To: Lucene Users List
> Subject: Re: clustering results
> I got all excited reading the subject line "clustering 
> results" but this isn't really clustering is it?  This is 
> more sorting.  Does anyone know of any work within Lucene (or 
> another indexer) to do actual subject clustering (i.e. like 
> Vivisimo @ http://vivisimo.com/ or Kartoo @ 
> http://www.kartoo.com/)?  It would be pretty awesome if 
> Lucene had such ability, I know there aren't a whole lot of 
> clustering options, and the commercial products are very expensive.  
> Anyhow, just curious.

The one I know about is Carrot - http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/dweiss/carrot/


Bruce Ritchie

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