Am Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2004 18:54 schrieb Anthony Vito:
> Looks like the same error I got when I tried to use Lucene version
> 1.3 to search on an index I had created with Lucene version 1.4. The
> versions are not forward compatible. Did you by chance create the
> index with version 1.4 and are now searching with version 1.3. It's
> easy to get the dependencies out of sync for different apps, which is
> what happened to me.
> -vito

Hi vito,

thanks for the reply, but no, we only upgraded so far, but did not 
downgade. More than that, the failing index was just rebuilt completely 
with 1.4-rc2, only two weeks ago. The problem started a short time 
afterwards (but not immediately).



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