I've run across an amusing interaction between advanced Analyzers/TokenStreams and the very useful "term highlighter": http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs/jakarta-lucene-sandbox/contributions/highlighter/

I have a custom Analyzer I'm using to index javadoc-generated web pages.
The Analyzer in turn has a custom TokenStream which tries to more intelligently tokenize java-language tokens.

A naive analyzer would turn something like "SyncThreadPool" into one token. Mine uses the great Lucene capability of Tokens being able to have a "0" position increment to turn it into the token stream:

Sync   (incr = 0)
Thread (incr = 0)
Pool (incr = 0)
SyncThreadPool (incr = 1)

[As an aside maybe it should also pair up the subtokens, so "SyncThread" and "ThreadPool" appear too].

The point behind this is someone searching for "threadpool" probably would want to see a match for "SyncThreadPool" even this is the evil leading-prefix case. With most other Analyzers and ways of forming a query this would be missed, which I think is anti-human and annoys me to no end.

So the analyzer/tokenizer works great, and I have a demo site about to come up that indexes lots of publicly avail javadoc as a kind of resource so you can easily find what's already been done.

The problem is as follows. In all cases I use my Analyzer to index the documents.
If I use my Analyzer with with the Highligher package, it doesn't look at the position increment of the tokens and consequently a nonsense stream of matches is output. If I use a different Analyzer w/ the highlighter (say, the StandardAnalyzer), then it doesn't show the matches that really matched, as it doesn't see the "subtokens".

It might be the fix is for the Highlighter to look at the position increment of tokens and only pass by one if multiple ones have an incr of 0 and match one part of the query.

Has this come up before and is the issue clear?

thx, Dave

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