Hi Dimitri

What analyzer you use?

You need take carefully with Keyword fields and analyzers. When you
index a Document, the fields that have set tokenized = false, like
Keyword, are not analyzed. 
In search time you need parse the query with your analyzer but not
analyze the untokenized fields, like your filename.

> I can do a search as this
> "+contents:SomeWord  +filename:SomePath"

The sintaxis is rigth, but if you search +filename:somepath, find only
this file.

For example, 
+content:version +filename:/my/path/myfile.ext

Only can found myfile.ext, and if this file don't content "version", not
going to find nothing. This is because you use +. + set the term

You can see the queries sintaxis in lucene site.



good luck.


El dom, 15 de 08 de 2004 a las 17:13, Dmitrii PapaGeorgio escribiÃ:
> Ok so when I index a file such as below
> Document doc = new Document();
> doc.Add(Field.Text("contents", new StreamReader(dataDir)));
> doc.Add(Field.Keyword("filename", dataDir));
> I can do a search as this
> "+contents:SomeWord  +filename:SomePath"
> Correct?
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