David Spencer wrote:

...or prepare in advance a fast lookup index - split all existing
terms to bi- or trigrams, create a separate lookup index, and then
simply for each term ask a phrase query (phrase = all n-grams from
an input term), with a slop > 0, to get similar existing terms.
This should be fast, and you could provide a "did you mean"
function too...

Based on this mail I wrote a "ngram speller" for Lucene. It runs in 2 phases. First you build a "fast lookup index" as mentioned above. Then to correct a word you do a query in this index based on the ngrams in the misspelled word.

The background for this suggestion was that I was playing some time ago with a Luke plugin that builds various sorts of ancillary indexes, but then I never finished it... Kudos for actually making it work ;-)

[1] Source is attached and I'd like to contribute it to the sandbox,
esp if someone can validate that what it's doing is reasonable and

There have been many requests for this or similar functionality in the past, I believe it should go into sandbox.

I was wondering about the way you build the n-gram queries. You basically don't care about their position in the input term. Originally I thought about using PhraseQuery with a slop - however, after checking the source of PhraseQuery I realized that this probably wouldn't be that fast... You use BooleanQuery and start/end boosts instead, which may give similar results in the end but much cheaper.

I also wonder how this algorithm would behave for smaller values of start/end lengths (e.g. 2,3,4). In a sense, the smaller the n-gram length, the more "fuzziness" you introduce, which may or may not be desirable (increased recall at the cost of precision - for small indexes this may be useful from the user's perspective because you will always get a plausible hit, for huge indexes it's a loss).

[2] Here's a demo page. I built an ngram index for ngrams of length 3
and 4 based on the existing index I have of approx 100k javadoc-generated pages. You type in a misspelled word like
"recursixe" or whatnot to see what suggestions it returns. Note this
is not a normal search index query -- rather this is a test page for
spelling corrections.


Very nice demo! I bet it's running way faster than the linear search over terms :-), even though you have to build the index in advance. But if you work with static or mostly static indexes this doesn't matter.

Based on a subsequent mail in this thread I set boosts for the words
in the ngram index. The background is each word (er..term for a given
 field) in the orig index is a separate Document in the ngram index.
This Doc contains all ngrams (in my test case, like #2 above, of
length 3 and 4) of the word. I also set a boost of
log(word_freq)/log(num_docs) so that more frequently words will tend
to be suggested more often.

You may want to experiment with 2 <= n <= 5. Some n-gram based techniques use all lengths together, some others use just single length, results also vary depending on the language...

I think in "plain" English then the way a word is suggested as a spelling correction is: - frequently occuring words score higher -
words that share more ngrams with the orig word score higher - words
that share rare ngrams with the orig word score higher

I think this is a reasonable heuristics. Reading the code I would present it this way:

- words that share more ngrams with the orig word score higher, and
  words that share rare ngrams with the orig word score higher
  (as a natural consequence of using BooleanQuery),

- and, frequently occuring words score higher (as a consequence of using
  per-Document boosts),

- from reading the source code I see that you use Levenshtein distance
  to prune the resultset of too long/too short results,

I think also that because you don't use the positional information about the input n-grams you may be getting some really weird hits. You could prune them by simply checking if you find a (threshold) of input ngrams in the right sequence in the found terms. This shouldn't be too costly because you operate on a small result set.


If people want to vote me in as a committer to the sandbox then I can

Well, someone needs to maintain the code after all... ;-)

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki

Software Architect, System Integration Specialist
CEN/ISSS EC Workshop, ECIMF project chair
EU FP6 E-Commerce Expert/Evaluator
FreeBSD developer (http://www.freebsd.org)

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