Dawid Weiss wrote:
Hi William,

No, I don't have examples because I never used Lucene directly. If you provide me with a sample index and an API that executes a query on this index (I need document titles, summaries, or snippets and an anchor (identifier), can be an URL).

Hi Dawid :-)

I believe the approach to this component should be that you first initialize it by reading a mapping of Lucene index field names to "logical" names (metadata) like title, url, body, etc. The reason is that each index uses its own metadata schema, i.e. in Lucene-speak, the field names.

Moreover, when you execute a query you get just a document id plus its score. It's up to you to build a snippet. There is a code in the jakarta-lucene-sandbox CVS repo. (highlighter) to create snippets from the query and the hit list, take a look at this...

Send me such a snippet and I'll try to write the integration code with Lucene. It is only a matter of writing a simple InputComponent instance and this is really trivial (see Nutch's plugin code).

The basic usage scenario is that you open the IndexReader (either using directory name as a String or a Directory instance), and then create a Query instance, usually using QueryParser, and finally you search using IndexSearcher. You get a list of Hits, which you can use to get scores, and the contents of the documents. Take a look at the IndexFiles and SearchFiles classes in org.apache.lucene.demo package (under /src/demo).

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki

Software Architect, System Integration Specialist
CEN/ISSS EC Workshop, ECIMF project chair
EU FP6 E-Commerce Expert/Evaluator
FreeBSD developer (http://www.freebsd.org)

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