On Oct 21, 2004, at 5:05 AM, Karthik N S wrote:
 I used a modified version of StandardAnalyzer.java  [ called it
GrammerAnalyzer.java ] and added  Symbols  '$,@,#,&'

to the same, Also when added this Analyzer to AnalysisDemo.java avaliable
from web site

http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2003/07/30/LuceneIntro.html? page=last#thre

I'm glad someone is making use of this :)

1) On search of '$100.50' the AnalysisDemo returned for the analyzer used
as '[100.00]'

Seems fine.

2)So I Used the same Analyzer for Indexing Purpose / Searching Purpose.

A wise thing to do, generally speaking.

3)On Hacking the Luke's src [added the same GrammerAnalyzer] file
  avaliable from  http://www.getopt.org/luke/

When I looked at the File containing for the same values , I was surpriced
to find '$100.50' instead of 100.50

I presume you are looking at the value of the field, not the terms indexed. Stored fields keep their original value in the index, but also index the term(s) that come from the analysis process (or as-is in the case of Field.Keyword).


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