Christoph Kiehl wrote:
I'm curious about your strategy to backup indexes based on FSDirectory. If I do a file based copy I suspect I will get corrupted data because of concurrent write access.
My current favorite is to create an empty index and use IndexWriter.addIndexes() to copy the current index state. But I'm not sure about the performance of this solution.

How do you make your backups?

A safe way to backup is to have your indexing process, when it knows the index is stable (e.g., just after calling IndexWriter.close()), make a checkpoint copy of the index by running a shell command like "cp -lpr index index.YYYMMDDHHmmSS". This is very fast and requires little disk space, since it creates only a new directory of hard links. Then you can separately back this up and subsequently remove it.

This is also a useful way to replicate indexes. On the master indexing server periodically perform "cp -lpr" as above. Then search slaves can use rsync to pull down the latest version of the index. If a very small mergefactor is used (e.g., 2) then the index will have only a few segments, so that searches are fast. On the slave, periodically find the latest index.YYYMMDDHHmmSS, use "cp -lpr index/ index.YYYMMDDHHmmSS" and 'rsync --delete master:index.YYYMMDDHHmmSS index.YYYMMDDHHmmSS' to efficiently get a local copy, and finally "ln -fsn index.YYYMMDDHHmmSS index" to publish the new version of the index.


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