On Wednesday 17 November 2004 23:57, DES wrote:
> Hi
> I need some kind of implementation of SVD (singular value decomposition) or 
> LSI with Lucene engine. Have anyone any ideas how to create a query table 
> for decomposition? The table must have documents as rows and terms as 
> columns, if a term is presented in the docuement, the corresponding field 
> contains "1" and a "0" if not. Then the SVD will be applied to this table, 

From Lucene, with TermVector and field norm, one could use the term
density instead of a presence bit.

> and with first 2 columns docuemnts will be displayed in a 2D-space.
> Does anyone work on a project like this?

I don't know. Is there a good SVD package for Java?

Paul Elschot

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