On Dec 1, 2004, at 7:37 AM, Karthik N S wrote:
We create a ArrayList Object and Load all the Hit Values into them and
the same for Display purpose on a Servlet. On the servlet we track the
server side created ArrayList
for Required number of dispalys.

[ At any time we have to have all the hit values loaded into the arryList
,cannot compromise for the same ]

Be forewarned - you are asking for trouble doing this if you have enormous number of hits. I highly recommend you reconsider your approach.

Sure, separation of concerns/tiers is a nice ideal, but pragmatically don't let blind adherence to "principles" get in the way of performance/scalability.

We Obsorved that the doc.get("") was not continous for an hit of 4000 and
was coming
in batches,

I'm not following what you mean. Not continuous? Batches? Now is the time for you to show some code of what you're doing. Succinct, clear, examples are best.


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