On Jan 4, 2005, at 10:53 AM, Ross Rankin wrote:
I'm not sure where or how to troubleshoot. Can I examine the indexes with
anything to see what is there and that it's meaningful. Is there something
simple I can do to track down what doesn't work in the process? Thanks.

Echoing a previous suggestion, use Luke to examine the index to make sure it is in good shape. You can do ad-hoc queries with it also.

One recommendation below....

String searchQuery = LuceneConstants.FIELD_RESELLER_IDS + ":"
+ resellerId
+ " AND "
+ LuceneConstants.FIELD_FULL_DESCRIPTION + ":" +

I highly recommend you use a BooleanQuery and AND in a TermQuery for resellerId rather than textually concatenating it to the expression you parse. There are numerous issues that could come up with parsing it this way and potentially brittle. If you ever switch analyzers such that numbers are filtered out, you could be in trouble.


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