That is awesome and very inspirational!

Carrot2 looks very interesting. Wondering if anybody has a list of all the
academic research projects using Lucene. The only other one that I know of
is Striver - which uses a support vector machine to learn the ranking


> For my own amusement I've indexed the Wikipedia and put up pages that:
> - display search results
> - cluster the results using Carrot2 (my first use of this)
> - display similar pages using the entire text to re-query for similar
> docs and
> - display similar pages using the "more like this" algorithm (TBD is get
> this into the sandbox, sorry for delays..)
> You start off here to search:
> And the weblog entry goes into a bit more detail:
> It's kinda fun to explore the Wikipedia by looking for pages similar to
> other ones.
> Hope people find this useful...
> - Dave
> PS
>    I'm in the process of running the page rank algorithm (from
> on most of the entries in the Wikipedia. It has taken over
> 2 days so far....
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