On Feb 2, 2005, at 2:40 AM, jac jac wrote:
May I know whether Lucene currently supports indexing of xml documents?

That's a loaded question. Lucene "supports" it by being able to index text, sure. But Lucene does not include an XML parser and the facility to automatically turn an XML file into a Lucene document, nor would you want that. For example - in my current project, I'm parsing XML documents, and indexing pieces of them individually as Lucene Documents - in fact I'm doing that in all kinds of various ways too.

The demo applications that you've tried are not designed for anything but a very very basic demonstration of how to use Lucene - these example applications were never intended to be used as-is for anything other than some code you could borrow and learn from to build your own custom solutions.

If you want a quick jump on processing XML with Lucene, try out the code that comes with Lucene in Action (grab it from www.lucenebook.com). When you get the code, run this:

$ ant ExtensionFileHandler
Buildfile: build.xml


[echo] This example demonstrates the file extension document handler.
[echo] Documents with extensions .xml, .rtf, .doc, .pdf, .html, and .txt are
[echo] all handled by the framework. The contents of the Lucene Document
[echo] built for the specified file is displayed.
[input] Press return to continue...

[input] File: [src/lia/handlingtypes/data/HTML.html]
[echo] Running lia.handlingtypes.framework.ExtensionFileHandler...
[java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.sax).
[java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[java] Document<Keyword<type:business> Keyword<name:SAMOFIX d.o.o.> Keyword<address:Ilica 47-2> Keyword<city:Zagreb> Keyword<province:> Keyword<postalcode:10000> Keyword<country:Croatia> Keyword<telephone:+385 1 123 4567>>

Total time: 18 seconds

Note that I typed in the path to an XML file where it asks for [input]. Now dig into the source tree and borrow what you need from src/lia/handlingtypes


I tried building an index to index all my directories in webapps: via:

java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles /homedir/tomcat/webapps

then I tried using the following command to search:

java org.apache.lucene.demo.SearchFiles

and i typed in my query. I was able to see the files which directs me the path which holds my data.

However, when I do
java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexHTML -create -index /homedir/index ..

and I went to my website I realised it can't serach for the data I wanted instead.

I want to search data within XML documents... May I know if the current demo version allows indexing of XML documents?

Why is it that after I do "java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexHTML -create -index /homedir/index .." then the data I wanted can't be searched? thanks alot!


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