On Feb 18, 2005, at 3:25 PM, Luke Shannon wrote:
Nice work Eric. I would like to spend more time playing with it, but I saw a
few things I really liked. When a specific query turns up no results you
prompt the client to preform a free form search. Less sauvy search users
will benefit from this strategy.

That's merely an artifact of all searches going to the results page, which just shows the free-form search on it.

 I also like the display of information when
you select a result. Everything is at your finger tips without clutter.

For comparison, check the older site's search is here:


(don't bother trying it - it's SLOOOW)

And also for comparison, here is an older look:

<http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu:8090/styler/servlet/ SaxonServlet?source=http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu:2020/tamino/ files/1-1847.s244.raw.xml&style=http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu: 2020/tamino/rossetti.xsl&clear-stylesheet-cache=yes>

Dig that URL!  The new look and URL is here:


I did get this error when a name search failed to turn up results and I
clicked 'help' in the free form search row (the second row).

Page 'help-freeform.html' not found in application namespace.

I've corrected this and it'll be corrected in my next deployment :)

So nice to have community of testers!  Thanks.


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