|Ako zad edin mrejov interfeis imam poveche ot edna mreji, moga li da nakaram MRTG-to 
|da chertae grafiki za vsiaka mreja pootdelno, a ne za obshtia trafik preminavasht 
|prez interfeisa ?

]- eto nesto tuka deto bqh pochnal da pisha.... (mai ste trqbwa da si go dowyrsha, 
]stoto ste mi trqbwa:"))..
za ideq kak da extraktwash infoto ot iptables... posle go chrez RRDs.pm go pishesh w 
rrd bazi, i posle chertaesh grafiki...

package SA::IPTExtract;

sub new {
    my $this = shift;
    my $class = ref($this) || $this;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;    

sub display {
 my $self = shift;
 foreach my $c (keys %{$$self{stat}}) {
    print "Chain : $c\n";
    foreach my $k (keys %{$$self{stat}{$c}}) {
        print "$k ==> $$self{stat}{$c}{$k}\n"

sub capture {
 my $self = shift;
 my $output = qx{iptables -L -v -n};
 my @chains = $output =~ /(?:^|(Chain.+?))(?:\n\n|$)/gs;

 for my $c (@chains) {
    #get chain name
    my ($name) = $c =~ /Chain (\S+)?/;
    #remove header info
    $c =~ s/Chain.+destination//s;
    #walk all rules 
    for my $line (split /\n/, $c) {
        my ($bytes,$src,$dst) = (split /\s+/,$line)[1,7,8];
        $$self{stat}{$name}{"$src-$dst"} = $bytes;

#    print "$name\n";
#    print "$c\n-----\n";


package main;
use Data::Dumper;
my $ipt = new SA::IPTExtract();
#print Dumper $ipt;
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