Potarsi na tazi stranica "How do I compile a module".
hi :)
10x za linka
no kato gledam towa:


Modversions is the versioning system for kernel exported symbols. To build against it :

* You must add -DMODVERSIONS to the compile line
* The first include must be <linux/module.h>
* If you are building a module from multiple source files, you must
#define __NO_VERSION__ in all but one of the .c source files. Note
this is not necessary with recent kernel versions.
* You must not include modversions.h directly if your module is
included in the kernel source. If you are buiding externally,
include the correct modversions.h only when module versions is
enabled (it is best to add it to the compile line as the kernel does)

Please also read, especially questions 8-7 and 8-8

External packaging

If you are distributing your module as a separate package, it is best to include some autoconf setup for detecting the kernel to compile against (defaulting to the /lib/modules/... path as above). Once your configure script has found the kernel, it can include Rules.make to use the right compiler flags etc. (this is especially important for architecture-specific flags). The CIPE module, for example, does this
Ne wizhdam kakyw e problema s binary modulite koito se razprostraniawat ot proizwoditelite i na koito im se prekompilira interfejsa kym kernela ?
w krajna smetka stigame do tam che wyprosnijat fajl se includwa po edin ili drug nachin
a za da se generira wyprosnijat fajl ni triabwa conf na kernela
Estestweno towa e viarno za kerneli w koito e razreshena dadenata opcija
btw sega poglednah w src-to na modulite kym vmware mdam vkliuchwat si go...
jawno im triabwa i w naj nowata wersija .. pak go wkliuchwat

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