Konrad Rosenbaum <kon...@silmor.de> (Sa 28 Mär 2009 16:22:24 CET):
> On Saturday 28 March 2009, Jeffrey Kelling wrote:
> > > Vermeide Netzwerke, oder benutze zumindest eine paranoide
> > > Firewall-Einstellung.
> >
> > Dazu hätte ich selber mal eine Frage:
> > @Konrad: gibt es ein gutes Tutorial zur Einrichtung von iptables, als ich
> > das zuletzt versucht hab kam ich danach selbst nicht mehr ins Netzwerk ;(
> Ich kenne keines. Man sollte während der Experimente zumindest direkten 
> (Tastatur-) Zugriff auf die eigene Maschine haben.

Oder sowas wie:

#! /bin/bash
# © 2008 Heiko Schlittermann <h...@schlittermann.de>
# $Id: firestart 3589 2008-01-21 21:21:24Z heiko $
# $URL: https://svn.schlittermann.de/is/firestart/trunk/firestart $

tmp=$(getopt -n $(basename 0) -o hm -l help,man -- $@)
eval set -- $tmp
while true; do
    o="$1"; shift
    case "$o" in
        -h|--help)  pod2usage -verbose 0 $0; exit 0 ;;
        -m|--man)   pod2usage -verbose 2 $0; exit 0 ;;
        --)         break      ;;


function die()  { echo "$(basename $0): $@" >&2; exit 1; }
function save() { 
    echo -n "saving firewall to $1... " >&2
    iptables-save >$1
    echo "ok" >&2
function restore() { 
    test -f $1 || return
    echo -en "\nrestoring firewall rules from $1... " >&2
    iptables-restore <$1
    echo "ok" >&2
    rm -vf $1

trap "test -f $TMPFILE && restore $TMPFILE" EXIT

test -f $SCRIPT || die "$SCRIPT not found"


unset REPLY

if $SCRIPT; then
    read -t $TMOUT -p "OK? (yes/no) (timeout: ${TMOUT}s): " \
        && test "$REPLY" == "yes" \
        && echo "new firewall is active now" >&2 \
        && rm $TMPFILE \
        && exit 0

restore $TMPFILE

# if it's not set, the read timed out and we want to
# read the response now
test "${REPLY+set}" || read -t 5

exit 1

=head1 NAME

firestart - simple wrapper for safe firewall start


    firestart [filename [timeout]]
    firestart {-h|--help} | {-m|--man}


This script just saves the current firewall state, starts the new one
and waits for user input. If this input doesn't appear, the old state
is restored. Same if the used doesn't confirm the new settings.

The I<timeout> is the time (seconds) to wait for user input after starting the
firewall (default: 10). The I<filename> is the name of the firewall
script, it has to be executable (default: F</etc/network/firewall>).

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h>|B<--help>

Short help.

=item B<-m>|B<--man>

Man page


=head1 AUTHOR

Heiko Schlittermann


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

Lug-dd maillist  -  Lug-dd@mailman.schlittermann.de

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