Hi Daniel – Good to see clarification below to at least some of the key 
questions that had come up at the BoF re LURK protocol.  And keeping with 
clarifications, there was at least one more conversation that I recall where 
question were raised around changes to cipher suites needed for clients to 
support LURK. Has there been any progress in LURK as to whether those changes 
can be quantified and  scoped?

It would also be good to see if the discussions do not almost exclusively limit 
itself on the certs, as it appears, there are choices, namely, the session key 
interface; short term certificates; delegated credentials etc. So, importantly, 
if there is consensus that discussion is merited on content and separation of 
keys from the content, that would then help to focus discussion on above 
choices. In terms of use case, there  is/was consensus on at least the CDN use 
case and would be good to discussion also moves towards other possible use 



From: Lurk [mailto:lurk-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Migault
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:52 PM
To: Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Cc: lurk@ietf.org
Subject: [E] Re: [Lurk] keeping private key private

Hi Daniel,

Thank you very much for the feed backs. I will try to clarify the problem we 
are solving, expose why LURK in my opinion address this problem in a "wise" way 
and expose why short term certificate (STC) does not solve this problem.

Note that I am not opposed to STC, I think this is something good to be done, 
however, it is complementary to LURK and not an alternative to.
The mail may be long, but feel free to split it into different threads. I will 
be more than happy to clarify any aspects.

I agree with you that information delivered by a web site is what we must be 
focused on and this is actually the goal of LURK* (in a TLS context). Although 
the secret key material (SKM) and the information of a web site are two 
different assets, they are not independent and protecting the information 
requires the protection of the SKM. Information is characterized at least by a 
content and an origin. An un-authenticated content such as a software for 
example, does not have the same value if it is being downloaded from the 
editing company or from public content sharing site. The motivation of LURK is 
to provide the user the means to trust the origin and as such the information 
delivered by the web site.

As a result, SKM must be protected as long as the information is delivered, 
independently of the SKM characteristics which includes its life time.

I also clearly agree with you that protection of the SKM should be performed 
with limited cost and as simple as possible.

It seems to me that LURK meet these criteria, which is the reason we would like 
it to be standardized. As an observation, LURK like solution have been deployed 
by CDN for example, and I believe their goals are not to consider the most 
expensive and most complex solution. That said they might be other and better 
There has been some discussions on whether short term certificates (STC) 
address the problem we want to solve that is either preventing the leak of the 
SKM or in a TLS context providing means to trust the origin of the information. 
In addition, there were also discussions on whether STC are also less expensive 
and more salable than LURK. I disagree that STC is an alternative to LURK.

    a) First STC does not address problem we are trying to solve, i.e "ensuring 
the origin of the information". In that context, STC limits the use of a SKM 
that leaks to a short period of time. The improvement over long term 
certificate is only valid if leakage of the SKM only happen accidentally - that 
is one time or when retrieving the SKM takes significantly longer than the life 
time of the SKM. Such limitation to the protections of the SKM are ways too 
narrow. SKM does not address for example any attacks that can provide access to 
the SKM in an timely manner. Such attacks simply needs to be re-done after any 
SKM renewal. Such attacks includes for example privilege escalation 
vulnerabilities which there is little ways to insure they will not happen. 
Heartbleed is typically an existing attacks that only took an RTT to retrieve 
the SKM. STC does not either address this attack - which we know exists - and 
may take years to be disclosed. I see LURK ways more powerful as it address the 
root cause of the problem instead of limiting the consequences of a leak. .

    b) Second, STC are really not inexpensive at all.
        b. 1) I might agree that generating a key is inexpensive. However we 
should also consider that generating keys with a high randomness frequently 
might not be as inexpensive as expected.
        b .2) That said certificates are not limited to key generation and 
includes signing by the CA as well as revocation when needed. Even though the 
cost of signing by the CA decreases, if the number of signing operations 
increases in several order of magnitude, the overall cost may not decrease. 
Especially the cost may remain significantly high for EV certificates and for 
these certificates STC may happen to be very expensive.
        b. 3) STC as any certificate based solution does not provide 
appropriated delegation mechanisms. As result, in a context of CDN, any time 
the content owner changes the CDN a complex revocation procedure might be 
required. Complexity may be due to the use of EV certificates as well as the 
interrelations between the CDN and the content owner.

    c) Third, STC as certificate based solution considerably weaken the 
        c. 1) As certificates does not provide delegation mechanisms, the 
delegation to a CDN often result in providing the SKM to a thrid party. This 
goes against the principles of public cryptography, resulting in a 
authentication that provides little benefit over self signed certificates.
        c. 2) EV may present delays that are non compatible with STC, as a 
result, the use of STC in our context may be limited to DV certificates which 
is the weakest certification level.

LURK instead
    a) solves the problem we are trying to solve as it prevents the leakage of 
the key.
    b) is inexpensive as it does not affect the operations performed by the CA. 
At least the cost remains the same as it is today. I think one reason people 
see this solution as expensive is that most people think of the key server as 
an HSM. HSM is probably an expensive alternative, but there also less expensive 
alternatives that includes the use of open hardware security modules [1], 
software implementation of the key server in which case the cost is really the 
instantiation of the VM. This is typically less expensive than the resulting 
operations, traffic from STC.
    c) is secure and with multiple level of security. The key server may be 
only hosted by the content owner, provided to CDNs in different ways. Note that 
providing an obfuscated key server (like an HSM) to the CDN still provide more 
security than providing the key and limit the risk of leakage. In addition by 
clearly splitting the SKM and session termination functions, LURK  is likely to 
ease the deployment of TLS over CDNs and as result the deployment of TLS.

I agree with you that having a key server adds an exchange between the server 
terminating the TLS session and the key server which may result in higher 
latency. The latency clearly depends on where the key server is located. In 
case a high latency matters, the key server may be deployed close to the 
terminating nodes. Of course there is a trade off between high security 
requirements and low latency requirements. LURK makes this trade off possible 
whereas certificates clearly prioritize the latency over security. That said, 
the acceptable latency also depends on the information delivered by the web 
site. Suppose the information is an update, latency does not really matter, 
similarly if the content is a movie a additional .5 second might be acceptable 

I do not really agree that LURK presents a scalability issue. I agree that the 
model of LURK is more centralized that the model proposed by SFT, similarly to 
what DNS is versus hostnames files. Of course the key server needs to be 
deployed so that it serves the expected traffic, and a single instance of key 
server may not be appropriated. On the other hand, by centralizing the private 
key operations, it makes the deployment of a new private key way easier. Only 
the key servers have to be provisioned with the private key. Maybe we could 
also associate the key server with a distribution of certificates which STC may 
designed. Again I do not see STF are competing LURK but more complementing it.


* For clarification let's call LURK the solution that consists in remotely 
perform secret key operations.
[1] https://www.crowdsupply.com/cryptech/open-hardware-security-module

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor 
<d...@fifthhorseman.net<mailto:d...@fifthhorseman.net>> wrote:
Hi Daniel--

On Wed 2016-10-12 13:10:04 -0400, Daniel Migault wrote:

> Currently delegating a TLS service to a third party or multiple edge nodes
> is mostly based on distributing the full private key to multiple edge nodes
> that may even be in a different domain. Such a distribution prevents the
> key owner to keep the control of the private key as well as to prevent the
> key to leak. For example, with LURK, the Heartbleed attack would have had
> very limited impact as the private key would not have been hosted on the
> edge server. By design, LURK would have prevented the key to leak.

What's more important -- the secret key material, or the traffic and
information on your website that it protects?

When the certificate is long-lived, there are good arguments for the
secret key being more valuable, because it can be misused in the future
when we don't yet know what the value of of the traffic and information
will be.

It's also conceivable that a single cert (e.g. 
*.example.biz<http://example.biz>) could be
more valuable than any one site it applies to.

But when the certificate is short-lived and narrowly-scoped, the things
the cert is trying to protect are proportionally more valuable, though,

secret keys are cheap!  certificates are (increasingly) cheap!  Making
cheap things less powerful and using them freely seems like a much
simpler approach than trying to invest certificates with lots of power
and then trying to find ways to avoid the misuse of that power.

> My understanding is that there are currently no mechanisms that prevent the
> keys to leak in the case of TLS. There is a huge demand from the industry
> to provide mechanisms that protects the private key from leakage. The
> reason we focused on TLS is that by limiting the use of a single protocol
> it provides more control on the usage of the key. However, the protection
> of the private key can also be handled in a more generic way outside the
> scope of TLS.  I would like to understand whether mechanisms to prevent
> leakage of the private key should not be handled in the context of TLS and
> instead being handled in a more generic way.

we have (a few) generic mechanisms already.  PKCS#11, as horrible as it
is, provides for secret key isolation.  "PKCS#11-RPC" was floated as one
idea in the LURK BoF, iirc, but i think it was (mostly) dismissed,
though i don't remember why.

But remote use of secret key material is also high-latency and prone to
bottlenecks -- are these engineering costs worth the benefits?

some people might amortize the costs of the high-latency handshake by
establishing and encouraging the use of TLS sessions; this is in effect
asking users to remember short-lived certs -- those sessions are going
to still be valid authenticators (to those end users) even after the
keyholder decides to rescind her grant of use of her secret key.

So there are a set of tradeoffs involved, and it's not clear to me that
the thing you're trying to protect is worth the energy and cost that
would be invested here.  can you explain how you see those tradeoffs?

All the best,


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