
can you test patch from bug 12123, how it fix you problem?
looks this same symptoms.

On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 08:34 -0400, Robin Humble wrote:
> I've been trying out patchless kernels and the attached simple code
> appears to trigger a failure in Lustre I couldn't see anything
> in bugzilla about it.
> typically I see 4+ open() failures out of 32 on the first run after a
> Lustre filesystem is mounted. often (but not always) the number of
> failures decreases to a few or 0 on subsequent runs.
> eg. typical output (where no output is success) would be:
>   % /opt/openmpi/1.2/bin/mpirun --hostfile hosts -np 32 ./open /mnt/testfs/rjh
>  open of '/mnt/testfs/rjh/blk016.dat' failed on rank 16, hostname 'x15'
>  open: No such file or directory

Alexey Lyashkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Beaver team, Cluster filesystem

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