FYI, I'm using Lustre 1.8.5 to mount two filesystems from separate
domains (one in Lafayette, IN, and one in Bloomington, IN, run by two
different institutions) on 900+ nodes, and things just work.

Mike Shuey

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Andreas Dilger <> wrote:
> On 2011-03-15, at 4:19 PM, Malcolm Cowe wrote:
>> On 15/03/2011 17:15, Brian O'Connor wrote:
>>> What are the constraints on a client mounting more than one lustre
>>> file system?
>>> I realise that a lustre cluster can have more than one file system
>>> configured, but can a client mount different file systems from different
>>> lustre clusters on the same network?;ie.
>>> Assume a Single IB fabric and two Lustre clusters with separate
>>> MGS/MDS/OSS. One lustre is Lincoln and the other is Washington
>>>> list_nids
>>>> mount -t lustre lincoln:/lustre  /lincoln
>>>> mount -t lustre washington:/lustre /washinton
>>> Is this doable or should they be on separate IB fabrics
>> From my understanding, there should only be one MGS for the entire
>> environment (although as many MDTs and OSTs as are required). This is
>> because clients will only communicate with exactly one MGS (and will
>> communicate with the MGS of the last FS mounted) and will only receive
>> updates from the MGS with which it is registered. So, in the above
>> example if there is a change to the "lincoln" file system (e.g. a
>> failover event, some configuration changes), clients will not receive
>> notification.
>> There's not an issue with having multiple MGS's on a site, only with
>> mounting lustre file systems from multiple "domains" on the same client,
>> IIRC.
> That discussion was had on the list a few months ago, and the correct answer 
> is that it should just work.  The "only use last mounted MGS" problem was 
> fixed at some point, though I don't have the exact version handy.
> Cheers, Andreas
> --
> Andreas Dilger
> Principal Engineer
> Whamcloud, Inc.
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