Here's how I understand it:

First number = number of times (samples) the OST has handled a read or write.

Second number = the minimum read/write size

Third number = maximum read/write size

Fourth = sum of all the read/write requests in bytes, the quantity of data read/written.

Since this is in the exports area, it's all that per export of course.

I am working on a wiki page for sharing information on stats details like this which hopefully will be available soon, it's almost ready. It will include links to tools like lltop, xltop, and also how to roll your own.


On 11/7/2014 2:29 PM, Dragseth Roy Einar wrote:
Is there a description of the stats file formats anywhere?

I'm especially interested in the


files.  For instance, what does the last three numbers on the read_bytes or 
write_bytes lines mean?

[root@oss1 ~]# cat 
snapshot_time             1415391739.442581 secs.usecs
read_bytes                365486 samples [bytes] 2720 1048576 363509372808
write_bytes               12183 samples [bytes] 7384 1048576 12762602232
preprw                    377677 samples [reqs]
commitrw                  377669 samples [reqs]
ping                      832 samples [reqs]

(I'm trying to create a simple tool to scan all OSSes and detect the worst IO 
hogs on our system)

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