
I have been playing around with Lustre on virtual servers (mainly with the purpose of gaining some experience).

I have three (physical) machines, and each one have a virtual machine on them (KVM). On one of the virtual machines there is an MDS and on two of them there are OSS:es installed.

The machines are connected over a 10Gbit network (and I have verified the network performance - there are some losses going over the "virtual layer" but not terribly much).

All system use CentOS-7.3 and Lustre 2.9.0, and I mount the file system on one of the physical machines.

I know it is not recommended to use clients on the same machine as the servers, but my hypothesis was that this problem should be mitigated (or removed altogether) by "confining" the servers in virtual instances.

Anyway, when evaluating the performance (using FIO) I expected to see an increased transfer rate when going from one to two simultaneous files in the tests, and I do see this, but only for very small file sizes (around 0.2 GB). On the "non virtual" file systems I have tested the effect of increased transfer rate as the number of files are increased is on the other hand easily verified.

Question: could this lack of increased performance be an effect of the fact that the client sit on the same machine as one of the Lustre servers (even though the server is "confined" in a virtual instance)? Or could there be some other issues, possibly connected to running the servers on virtual machines?



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