Halloo---  People!

I am seeking confirmation of an observed behavior in Lustre.

I have a Lustre client.   This client is running Lustre 2.7.2.  Mounted
onto this client I have /mnt/foo (Lustre server 2.7.2) and /mnt/bar (lustre

Servers for /mnt/foo have max_rpcs_in_flight=8  (the default value)
Servers for /mnt/bar have max_rpcs_in_flight=32

On the Lustre client, the command "lctl get_param mdc.*.max_rpcs_in_flight"
show both file systems using max_rpcs_in_flight=8.

Is it correct that the client uses the lowers value for a Lustre tunable
presented from a Lustre file system server?   OR...is it the case that the
client needs to be tuned so that it may use "up to" the maximum value of
the mounted file systems if the specific Lustre server supports that value?

Really I am wondering if it is possible to have, in this case, a
"max_rpcs_in_flight" to be 32 for the /mnt/bar Lustre File System while
still using a more-limited max_rpcs_in_flight of 8 for /mnt/foo.

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