Hi, Mark Hahn

Very appreciate for your detailed reply.
And sorry for the ambiguous description.
For some reasons, we decided not to expand on the lustre filesystem already
exists; so  what I want to know is the number of lustre filesystems that a
client can mount on the same time .

Best regards.

Mark Hahn <h...@mcmaster.ca> 于2020年7月16日周四 下午3:00写道:

> > On Jul 15, 2020, at 12:29 AM, ??? <guru.nov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Is there a ceiling for a Lustre filesystem that can be mounted in a
> cluster?
> It is very high, as Andreas said.
> >> If so, what's the number?
> The following contains specific limits:
> https://build.whamcloud.com/job/lustre-manual//lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lustre_manual.xhtml#idm140436304680016
> You'll notice that you must assume some aspects of configuration, such as
> the
> size and number of your OSTs.  I see OSTs in the range of 75-400TB (and OST
> counts between 58 and 187).
> >> If not, how much is proper?
> Lustre is designed to scale.  So a config with a small number of OSTs,
> on very few OSSes doesn't make that much sense.  OSTs are pretty much
> expected to be decent-sized RAIDs.  There would be tradeoffs among cost-
> efficient disk sizes (maybe 16T today) and RAID overhead (usually N+2),
> and how that trades off with bandwidth (HBA and OSS network).
> >> Does mount multiple filesystems  can affect the stability of each file
> system or cause other problems?
> My experience is that the main factor in reliability is device count,
> rather than how the devices are organized.  For instance, if you
> have more OSSes, you may get linearly nicer performance, but
> you also increase your chance of having components crash or fail.
> The main reason for separate filesystems is usually that the MDS
> (maybe MTD) can be a bottleneck.  But you can scale MDSes, instead.
> regards, mark hahn.
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