How many courses and are the strings wire or gut? Some English Guitars had
lute bowl backs. A photo would help enormously.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 2:18 AM
Subject: Mandolo info

> Dear Combined Knowledge,
> A friend of mine came over tonight asking me for some instruction on how
> play a mandolo he acquired some years ago and never learned to play. The
> instrument itself is beautiful, having 23 ribs of very nice curly maple
> an inlaid maple neck. It's also a very nice sounding instrument. But there
> my knowledge of this instrument stops. It's tuned in C rather than G like
> its smaller cousin the mandolin, and I was able to help him figure out
> scales and a few rudimentary chords. I also found some info on tablature
> online. But we still have a few questions.
> 1. When did this instrument first show up in history? Is it Medieval,
> Renaissance or Baroque? Or is it strictly modern (post 18th c.)?
> 2. If it's a period (Ren. at least) instrument, are there manuscripts of
> music written for it? And by whom? And are facsimiles available (I haven't
> seen anything in OMI's catalog but that may only be because there are no
> facsimiles of extant manuscripts).
> 3. Would Kingham or some other case maker be able to make a case for this
> instrument (it currently has none and came with none)?
> Thank you for your time.
> Regards,
> Craig

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