> Deum" is it a coincidence?  No, he's playing with ideas and symbols, some of
> them obvious (like the second) some completely inaudible (like the first).
> But when we discover these things, we can be sure they were done for a reason
> and that there may well be more features of the same kind which we have not
> yet discovered.  These people were not only as clever as us, they were also
> more interested in being seen to be clever.  To take another non-musical
> example, we can be sure John Donne carefully chose every word he wrote in his
> poems, even though it takes us quite an effort to discover what and why -
> again he was writing for a select circle o!
> f extremely well-educated people who he knew would be alert to every nuance,
> every obscure or punning reference.  We've largely lost that kind of approach
> to art, I think, but it is well to remember it when one is trying to
> "understand" art of 400 years ago.
Peter Greenaway is an connosseur of and an expert on visual codes of the
era, but sadly he is not on our list....

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