Hi list -

   So, as a service to the world, I have made a new option to my
"tab" program ( http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute/AboutTab.html )
so you can make "ascii tab" from tab files.  get the source,
lute_tab4.3.13.tar.gz, and build it in the usual way, and
run tab with the -ascii option.

  This is pretty new, and not tested too well, so be warned that
if you run it and your cat bursts into flame...well, you can tell me and 
I might fix it.  The assumption is that you can edit the output
later.  (be sure to view with a fixed width font)

  This feature is not currently available in tab-by-mail.


> after posting my little version of the Rosetta stone, it struck me, that it
> probably wouldn't be very difficult for one of the computer wizards of this
> list, to write a simple program which could convert TAB to the text-file
> which seems to be prefered by this forum. I don't have such know-how myself,
> but believe that a small conversion program like that would be beneficial to
> the lute community at large.

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