> > 
> > Actually I don't believe TREE for instance produces facsimiles as
> > promotional material. This will apply to other fields of production but
> > not to lute related material.
> I have plenty of respect for Albert, even if he did facsimiles for image
> building purposes. I HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH THAT (My transcriptions serve a
> similar purpose, not primarily though: I only transcribe what I love in the
> first place, and I frankly think they are no worse (i.e. a lot better) than
> the ones in Augsburg Ms.).

Actually the decision to produce a facsimile could have different
reasons, not only the image you may archieve.
I am still working through Mylius to prepare an edition and somehow
restrain from publishing edited pieces. I do well remember the
discussions I had because I only did very few editing to one of Dowlands
pavans included there. I think they were also on this list. 
There is a tendency that editors try to recompose passages or even
complete pieces telling it couldn't have been that way and therefor
"purge some of the most interesting parts of the music" as Lutz Kirchhof
told it (of course in german). Actually it's very hard to tell what's an
error and what is simply "unusual" ...
So a facsimile is one way to avoid such discussions and leave the
decision up to those playing the piece. So facsimiles could make life
easier because it's academical accepted to publish facsimiles and the
editing process isn't that hard. 

To find, correct and document the mistakes in an edition like Testudo
Gallo Germanico (Tree) would be *very* time consuming!
That could be a reason why academical editions are far more expensive
than editions intended for players.

> to put is simply: he shouldn't consider us sheep following HIS middleclass+
> status quo protocol. We are people with beliefs that may be different from
> his, and also with an understanding that such protocols are not conducive to
> the survival of lutenistic species (on top of being legally meaningless).
> Besides: submitting oneself to convention is not my idea of an interesting
> life. 

Conventions are to make life easier - nothing wrong with it. It's the
priviledge of secure people to question them or at least some of them. 

Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3   
D-65843 Sulzbach
www.lautenist.de / www.tslaute.de/weiss


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